Gardasoft PPCC1600 LED Strobe Controller

The PPCC16 combines the features of the Gardasoft PP1600 series LED Lighting Controllers with the addition of 8 digital outputs for triggering cameras or general use. With new generation LEDs the PPCC16 series can provide high intensity pulses which exceed the brightness of xenon strobes.

Key features:

  • 16 channel LED lighting controllers
  • Pulsing up to 20A per channel
  • 8 trigger inputs
  • 8 digital trigger outputs
  • Ethernet of RS232 interface options
  • Designed for new generation LEDs
  • 2A continuous output
  • 1µs minimum pulse width

Application benefits:

  • Very fast bright strobing for freezing motion
  • Very repeatable lighting intensity
  • Driving the LEDs with a constant current, rather than voltage
  • Combines LED Control with basic PLC triggering functionality
  • Ability to pulse the output at a higher current to achieve a higher output intensity
  • Pulsing turns the LEDs off when not in use, increasing their MTBF rates, reducing downtime
PPCC1620 PPCC1621 PPCC1660 PPCC1661
User Interface Ethernet RS232
Output channel 16 independent constant current outputs
Output current 20A pulsed 2A continuous Steps of 6mA 2A pulsed 2A continuous Steps of 1mA 20A pulsed 2A continuous Steps of 6mA 2A pulsed 2A continuous Steps of 1mA
Trigger inputs 8 opto-isolated digital inputs. Require 3V to 24V
Lighting pulse width timing 1µs to 1ms in steps of 1µs, variation <1µs 1ms to 1 second in steps of 100µs, variation <5µs
Lighting delay timing 4µs to 1ms in steps of 1µs, variation <5µs 1ms to 1 second in steps of 100µs, variation <10µs
Digital output pulse timing 10µs to 300ms in steps of 5µs, variation <10µs
Trigger outputs 8 TTL level (0.4V to 3.4V typical at ±10mA)
Output voltage 1.5V to [supply voltage] – 1V
Supply voltage 12V to 48V regulated DC
Dimensions 280mm by 54mm by 78mm
Weight 700g
Mounting Panel mount or optional DIN rail kit (Gardasoft PP705)