Smart Vision Lights LLPX-H LED Light Panel

In the LLPX-H Light Panel Series, an optically clear internal light dispersion grid and a matte-white-finished backing plate allow more light to be reflected up and out through the diffusion acrylic. The LLPX-H features Multi-Drive, which allows the user to operate the light in continuous operation or OverDrive strobe mode, depending on wiring method. The industry-standard 5-pin M12 connector makes for simple wiring. The 1-10VDC analog signal line gives the user total control over intensity in continuous operation. Removing the signal puts the light into OverDrive strobe mode. Custom placement, sizing, and number of holes available upon request.

Product Details
Illumination Type Dome "Light Tent", Radial
IP Rating IP50
Mode Multi-Drive™
Wavelength WHI- White / 470 - Blue / 530 - Green / 625 - Red / 850 - IR
Size 306 mm × 306 mm / 459 mm ×459 mm
Patterned Area Lighting Yes / No